Well that was a waste of time
Written by Calum Ewing on Dec. 26th 2020
Let’s be honest…

2020 has been a bit of a write-off, all things considered…

Be it COVID, politics, or something else…

It’s just been a year to forget ever happened…

I’m calling bullshit...

Yes, there have been a ton of external influences impacting our lives…

But does that mean we may as well have given up hope, put our plans on hold for 12 months, and spent time in our PJs binging on Netflix?

Or was it an opportunity to challenge ourselves, an opportunity to focus, an opportunity to get a step ahead of the crowd..?

Was it a chance for us to try something new? Get inventive? Give ourselves a massive reset?

As online business owners, I’d say 2020 has been a massively fortunate year for us, business-wise…

We haven’t been made redundant...
We don’t own a restaurant that’s been forced to close…
We haven’t had to set up a kitchen-office in panic…

In fact, for myself, whilst I’ve not done a lot that I planned to do this year, I’ve actually looked at this as an opportunity to grow…

Be it cooking new meals with ingredients I’d never tried before…
Spending more time with the family, as they join me in the stay-at-home lifestyle…

Or exploring new hobbies that I can do with the limited space, resources and freedom available…

Despite approaching my mid-30s, I’ve realised there are still a boat-load of things that I’ve never tried…

A good example of this would be Yoga…

Since starting at the gym back in January 2020 (remember those days?), it quickly became apparent that I’m one of the most inflexible men on the planet…

So, my Personal Trainer suggested I try yoga while I’m stuck at home…

I’d never tried it before, always thought it was a bit woo-woo, and had never considered making it part of my lifestyle…

I was shocked to find out how much I actually enjoyed it!

TBH, I can’t do half the things the instructor’s telling me to do, yet
(Has anyone checked that your body’s supposed to bend that way?)

But it’s really helping me gain some strength and wiggle-room in my hamstrings…

And it’s given me an alternative to the same workout on repeat each day I’d started to get bored of…

I’m not saying I’m now an official yoga aficionado…
But for now, I’m really enjoying it, and glad I’ve given it a shot…

So I ask you…

When’s the last time you tried something for the first time?

Calum Ewing

Calum Ewing helps online coaches make more money in less time by learning and implementing systemisation, planning & time management in their business.

His zone of genius is enabling online entrepreneurs to focus on revenue-generating activities, without having to worry about getting stuck in the nitty gritty of business management.

If you're interested in getting your business to serve you and start generating more money in less time then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.
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