The Importance Of Knowing When You’ve Won
Written by Calum Ewing on Dec. 22nd 2020
What are you in this for?

Why did you move into the online space?

For me, it was due to suffering depression and anxiety, which were both massively connected to my day job, which I left a couple of years back (I’ll go into that some other time…)

But what it forced me to do is identify the things that were making me feel awful, as opposed to just assuming that this is what life has provided me…

A lot of the feelings were related to being trapped and controlled…

You MUST get to work at 9am…
You MUST stay till 5pm (or whenever you finish your work, whatever comes later)...
You MUST come into the office 5 days per week…

I totally appreciate that what I’m saying is not groundbreaking…

In fact, I’m sure it’s a common route into this space…

But after identifying what made me feel like shit…

It was important to identify what will make me feel happy, or at least ‘fine’...

So I set out goals…

How much time do I NEED to work…?
Or a better question…
How much free time do I WANT in my life?

(n.b. Sorry Tim Ferriss, but the idea of only working 4 hours a week makes me vomit)

What do I want to DO with my free time?
What things do I want to BUY with my money?

How much do I need to EARN to allow me to do these things?

How much work am I willing to put in short-term and medium-term, which will allow me to be satisfied long-term?

In what time period do I want to get down from X hours per week, to Y hours per week?

How many months am I giving myself to earn Z dollars per month?

And when you reach these goals....

What are you gonna do next?

Well, you’ve got a choice to make, but you’ve also got options…

A lot of people have got stuck in ‘scale, scale, scale’ mode, reach their goals, and then get addicted to their routine, burn out, and are never truly satisfied with what they’ve achieved…

They just want more, more and MORE!

But what about if, instead of scaling, you tried maintaining?

Maintaining your working hours and income…

But also maintaining your hours of free time, work-life balance, and overall happiness?

Now I don’t know how your 2020 went, but for most people, due to both circumstances out of their control AND due to lack of goal setting, they were unable to achieve what they set out to do…

But 2021 doesn’t have to be that way…

I’ve created a simple worksheet to help you identify your short, medium and long term goals to help you create the life you desire…

It’s free, and you can get it by clicking this link.

To your success!

Calum Ewing

Calum Ewing helps online coaches make more money in less time by learning and implementing systemisation, planning & time management in their business.

His zone of genius is enabling online entrepreneurs to focus on revenue-generating activities, without having to worry about getting stuck in the nitty gritty of business management.

If you're interested in getting your business to serve you and start generating more money in less time then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.
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